Game Settings
Game Settings

Game Settings

General ⚙️

  1. Aim Assist: To allow the game to provide some help to the player’s aim when fighting an opponent.
  2. Auto Loot: Toggle this option to enable or disable automatic loot collection directly into your bag or slots.
  3. ADS Mode: When set to ‘HOLD’, pressing and holding the Aim Down Sight (ADS) button will maintain the weapon's ADS view, while releasing the ADS button will return the player to hip-fire mode. In contrast, when set to ‘TAP’, the ADS view will persist until the player interacts with the button again.
  4. ADS Camera Rotation: When disabled, the camera will remain stationary if players attempt to look around while aiming at the ADS button.
  5. Gyroscope: Gyro can be set to be only used if the weapon is in ADS or to be also active in hip mode.
  6. Aim Acceleration: When activated, the Camera rotates further depending on the speed of the swipe during camera rotation
  7. Aim Smoothing: Smoothens out camera rotation by adding a slight delay.
  8. Invert Touch Axis X: Make the camera turn left when the touch is swiped right horizontally and vice versa.
  9. Invert Touch Axis Y: Make the camera turn up when the touch is swiped down vertically and vice versa.
  10. Invert Gyro Axis X: Rotate the device to the right horizontally to turn the camera left, and vice versa.
  11. Invert Touch Axis Y: Make the camera turn up when rotating the device down vertically and vice versa.
  12. Bolt Action Gun Fire Mode: Changes ADS-Fire button’s fire action to fire on the first tap or release.
  13. Auto Fire: Weapon Auto Fires after a small delay when the crosshair is maintained over the opponent.

Controls 🎮

  1. Screen Setting Layout - Customize: Allows to move, scale, disable, and change the opacity of controls UI on screen individually.
  2. Control Settings:
    1. Left Movement (Floating), Right Fire (Fixed): Allows the movement stick to appear wherever the player taps on the left side of the screen with the Fire button fixed in location.
    2. Left Movement (Floating), Right Fire (Floating): Allows the movement stick and the Fire button to appear wherever the player taps on the left and right side of the screen respectively.
    3. Left Movement (Fixed), Right Fire (Fixed): Fixes/Anchors the movement stick and the fire buttons which only trigger when interacting directly with them.

Gameplay 🎮

Configurations can be set within the following categories

  1. Movement - Auto Sprint, Crouch Trigger
    1. Auto Sprint: If ON, extending the forward joystick will enable a sprint that does not require any movement input.
    2. Crouch Trigger: Changing to HOLD will allow the character to go back to a standing state when released. On TAP, the character will stay in a crouch until tapped again.
  1. Player/Weapon - Weapon Inspection, Health Level Assist, Nade Trajectory Visibility, Auto Equip Throwables, TPP, FPP World and FFP Gun.
    1. Weapon Inspection: To enable or disable Weapon Inspect animation completely.
    2. Health Level Assist: Provides visual feedback when health goes under a certain value.
    3. Show Nade Trajectory Always: Show Nade trajectory even if not holding the throw button.
    4. Auto Equip Throwable after Use: When turned ON, if you want to repeatedly throw without switching each time, the next throwable will automatically be readied.
    5. Auto Equip Throwable after Switch: When turned ON, the throwable will be instantly selected.
    6. Consumable Recommendation: Provides UI recommendations based on the player’s situation like health and more.
    7. TPP FOV: Allows you to change the World Scale Field-of-View in Third-Person-Perspective.
    8. FPP World: Allows you to change the World Scale Field-of-View in First-Person-Perspective.
    9. FPP Gun: Allows you to change the Weapon Scale Field-of-View in First-Person-Perspective.
  1. Mini Map
    1. Minimap Shape: Allows you to choose the masking shape of the minimap UI.
    2. Minimap Behaviour: When set to rotate, the minimap level will rotate with rotation of the player but the player marker will always face up.
    3. Teammate’s Name in Floating HUD: When turned OFF, the floating names in the UI will be removed and only the teammate numbers will be visible.

Sensitivity 🎚️

Configurations can be set within the following categories

  1. Touch Sensitivity - Free Look, Hip, Ironsight Look, Ironsight Fire, 1x Look, 1x Fire, 2x Look, 2x Fire, 2x-4x Look, 2x-4x Fire, 4x Look, 4x Fire, 4x-8x Look, 4x-8x Fire, 8x Look and 8x Fire.
  2. Gyroscope Sensitivity - Free Look, Hip, Ironsight Look, Ironsight Fire, 1x Look, 1x Fire, 2x Look, 2x Fire, 2x-4x Look, 2x-4x Fire, 4x Look, 4x Fire, 4x-8x Look, 4x-8x Fire, 8x Look and 8x Fire.

Graphics 🖼️

Graphics Preset

  1. Balanced: A balance between visual quality with a slight sacrifice in performance.
  2. Performance: Best suited for maximising FPS. Turns down most aesthetic-focused settings.
  3. Quality: All visual settings turned up. Recommended for high-end devices.

Audio 🔊

Configurations can be set within the following categories

  1. Audio Settings - Master Volume, Background Music Volume, SFX Volume, Voice Chat Volume.
  2. Voice Chat Settings - Microphone, Push To Talk Disable Delay (secs), Voice Transmission Channel, Voice Receive Channel.