
Closed Beta v0.33

0.33.0 (2547000)

  • Weapons now spawn with preloaded ammo.
  • Added chambering on first time weapon pickup avoiding the full reload on pickup.
  • Increased pellet damage for Kismet K-10.
  • Added better UI feedback for healing action.
  • Increased weapon availability in overall loot distribution.
  • Improved weapon variety in overall loot distribution.
  • Added auto-fill feature in matchmaking.

0.33.0 (2471000)

  • Major improvements for the FPS drops occurring during fire fights.
  • Improved loot distribution across Virlok to enhance the availability.
  • Added new rare skins for R4-FTR.
  • Improved in-game UI reactivity by adding overlay for being inside smoke grenade and taking damage from frag grenade.
  • Fixed a collider issue in training facility.
  • Fixed a hole in the flooring in Airavata Foundry.
  • Fixed player statistics.
  • Added weapon stats to the user profiles.
  • Added new currency icon for Coven credits and Indus Gold.

0.33.0 (2641000)

  • Smoothened supply drop landing sequence animation.
  • Resetting player progression.
  • Added Sandook for players to now claim rewards on level up.
  • Made accessibility updates to the friends tab, players can now send party requests from the within the main menu friends widget.

0.33.0 (2407000)

  • Indus is now live for Android
  • Added new player profile screen with overview stats and detailed stats in menu
  • Audio rebalance patch
    • Overall volume balance
    • Adjusted remote player footsteps
    • Added bullet impact sounds for all weapons
    • Added a new background music to Main Menu
    • Changed audio clips for Viman
    • Changed audio clips for Jump
    • Changed audio clips for Slide
    • Updated audio clips for Orbital Drop and Orbital Drop announcement
    • Changed audio clip Trident reload
    • Changed audio clip for Smoke Grenade release
    • Fixed Supply Drop clipping sound